Yearly Jammer

Finally, it's New Years Jammers! The Real Yearly Jammer {decided by me} is KoKo01231! Now, Known As SweetCocoo0o.

This, Was the picture of her from last year. 
{Koko01231 Now Has A Member Account: SweetCocoo0o and Koko01231 no longer exists}

Now, this is a recent photo.

KoKo01231 got Monthly Jammer in the month of January, and was the first Jammer (on this blog) to earn Monthly Jammer.

KoKo01231 is Yearly Jammer because of her Kind and Honest ways. She is a very caring Jammer, and is always pleasant to those around her. I can almost definitely say that she has a heart of gold.

Now, All of You are Amazing Jammers.. I wish all of you could be Yearly Jammer, but please understand that I could only pick one.

Congratulations Though, Coco!


  1. It wont let me vote but I vote for msgaoming123

  2. Happy New Years Campie! Yay! Time has certainly flown by! It's already 2014! I honestly can't believe I made Monthly Jammers, much less Yearly Jammer. I just want to congratulate everyone who made monthly jammer that ALL of you deserve it as much as I do! Please don't be upset if you didn't make monthly jammer in 2013, I'm sure you will get an equal chance to receive this award in 2014 though! Campie is the fairest jammer I know, and she will never judge someone over anyone else. I view your blog every day Campie, and each day it's getting better and receiving more views! I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed your blog! This is the best gift I have received all year. Being held monthly jammer is a great honor, and yearly jammer is something I can't even speak of. I know not everyone will see the blog the way I do, but just take notice that it's a pleasure to talk to this girl, and even more, make friends with her! She's been my best friend since the day we met, and she means everything on the game to me. <3 I love you campie. Friend wise. Sister wise. Family wise. c:

    1. Oh My Goodness, coco, Thank you so much. Honestly though, I couldn't be the person I am around you guys without each and everyone of you. I love you all so much, and I just want to thank you for being one of the best friends you could possibly be.. All of you. :3
