Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Flip Glitch

Hey Jammers! A little glitch I discovered about 5 minutes ago, and by the time this is posted, 15 minutes ago. XD Anyways, this glitch I like to call: The "Flip" Glitch. Basiclly, it works like this: A raccoon wears a raccoon hat, and the tail of it flips up ^. XD, here it is:

Weird, huh? Anyways, I've also discovered something with non-member bat wings and member bat wings- If you sell non - member bat wings, you'll get 75 gems. Same with member ones. Which brings me to several things- Non-member bat wings don't sell anymore, shouldn't they sell for more? And also, as pretty much EVERBODY knows, they're much rarer. And, if you don't believe me, see for yourself:
Well, anyways Jammers, that's it for now. I'll TRY to post about the RIM early but I can't promise anything.. I have so much homework! XD, anyways, without further ado, comes my very simple: Bye.

1 comment:

  1. Well I have more homework...I never was even able to get on the computer for 1 second!!!
    I stayed up until 4:00 in the morning doing my homework for heaven's sake!
    lol, well anyways I <3 your blog, I always look forward to seeing it every Sunday (doing homework for 11 hours on other days)!
